'We advocate for a Civic stadium': NRL continues city push in new submission

The NRL says a new stadium at Bruce, or in the city, won't guarantee major rugby league content for Canberra.

The Canberra Times

The NRL is refusing to give up on a Civic stadium dream, taking another pot shot at existing elite facilities but at the same time saying a new 30,000-seat venue in the city won't guarantee major events for the capital.

As ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr pushes ahead with plans to redevelop Canberra Stadium, or build a new venue at Bruce, the NRL has lodged another submission to a federal inquiry into promoting the capital.

The stadium topic has been a divisive issue for the past 14 years, but appeared to be nearing a resolution last month when Barr announced a deal to partner with the Australian Sports Commission on an AIS rebuild.

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