The $2.55 billion cost of doing nothing: 15 years of stadium inaction hits the ACT

The $2.55 billion cost of doing nothing: 15 years of stadium inaction hits the ACT

Canberra stadium delays cost $2.55 billion, Civic stadium cost jumps to $2.9 billion.

The Canberra Times

After all the talk, the ideas, the locations and the seven studies, who knew the most expensive thing about a new stadium in Canberra would be ... not building it.

ACT Sport Minister Yvette Berry has revealed for the first time the cost of the government's stadium procrastination - $2.55 billion. Yes, you read that right. Sitting on their hands for 15 years has cost $2.55 billion.

The ACT government's figures claim the cost of a Civic stadium has jumped from $350 million in 2011 to $582 million in 2021 to now $2.9 billion three years later.

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